TOS regional Presidents and Secretaries

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Greetings from TOS in India!

I hope you are all doing well. We are all facing the tough time with the Coronavirus on a global scale. What best as TOS fraternity we can do is to render assistance to the needy communities in our neighborhood with masks, sanitisers or soaps as per our capacity staying at home.

With the lockdown in countrywide situation is almost the same everywhere. This is the time we have to be careful with our individual health and family members and the neighbors in our location by extending our support. Kindly be in touch with TOS group members and give them the courage to face this grave situation.

Adyar notified the meditation practice at 8 am 12 noon and 8 pm praying for the well being of all humanity.

Looking at the condition of disadvantaged communities with a lack of livelihoods is a major concern. From TOS standpoint of view let us all focus on the target people who are suffering from poverty by showing the way on how to overcome the crisis. The government is doing its best and also many NGOs and individual philanthropists and trusts are coming forward during this emergency. But still some of the vulnerable may not be in a position to access, so it is our motto as TOS members to reduce the suffering of people by exhibiting our proactive spirit of theosophy to our brotherhood.

If you have any suggestions or information regarding help kindly share in our website and also be in touch with tos members for our joint efforts in this crucial hour for caring of people requiring our help.

This is also an opportune time to reflect our inner feelings and study theosophy books to gain deeper understanding.

Let us start exchanging our ideas through emails, WhatsApp and phone to reach from our individual personal level to the group, Region, National, and International TOS to act now in a manner in which we can bring positive progress.

With best regards
Yours fraternally

National Director, TOS in India
The Theosophical Society
Kamachha P.O, Varanasi
U.P. 221010
9848291468 / 7680996909