What is the TOS?
The Theosophical Order of Service (TOS) is a world-wide organisation based on recognition of the unity of all life and aimed at reducing suffering and injustice at all levels – human, animal and environmental.
The TOS was founded in 1908 by Dr. Annie Besant, then International President of the Theosophical Society, to provide an opportunity for participation in activities which promote the first Object of the Theosophical Society: ‘to form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour’.
The TOS is a separate organisation from the Theosophical Society but is closely linked with it. Study, meditation and service are the three components of theosophical living. The TOS provides a framework in which theosophical principles can be applied in daily life and to issues of contemporary concern.
The distinctive, two-fold purpose of the TOS is selfless service to the needy and suffering and the inner transformation of the server that this requires. Dr. Besant summarised the mission of the TOS in its motto:
A union of those who love in the service of all that suffers.
Today there are many active TOS groups around the world, united in their ideal of selfless service.
The TOS is a non-profit organisation whose members are its greatest resource. They work as unpaid volunteers and donations are used for service projects, not for administration.
What does the TOS do?
TOS groups around the world work in a variety of areas including peace, social welfare, education, healing, animal welfare and the environment.
Members may work on individually selected activities or on group projects, sometimes in partnership with other groups.
While most service work is carried out in local communities, members also contribute to regional or national projects. Some TOS groups also raise funds for major, long-term projects organised by TOS groups in other countries.
The aim of TOS members is altruistic service that springs from their inner spiritual work. It is service with no intention of benefit to themselves or to their own agenda.
The Theosophical Order of Service. An Address by Dr. Annie Besant.
THE THEOSOPHICAL ORDER OF SERVICE was founded in order that a definite line of work be done on the ground of Brotherhood used in Service, and for that reason it requires a certain number of members to be connected with the T.S. At one time, there was an inclination to confine the work of the T.S. to Theosophical Teachings. If we use the translation of the Greek word Theosophy, Divine Wisdom, there would be no danger of the T. S. being a sect. The T. O. S. must leave the people free to show their brotherhood, to choose their own line of work. The term “Theosophical Order of Service” emphasizes the fact that the theory of brotherhood is embraced by its members, the same as tolerance and a willingness to accept all forms of Truth. “There is no Religion higher than Truth”. The brotherhood of the T. S. is a nucleus of brotherhood. TOS is intended to help us towards the realisation of Universal Brotherhood, not merely a brotherhood of the Elder Brothers, but with the criminal classes as well. He who is with Supreme Goodness and brotherhood must not be a phrase, but a principle in life
I should like to include in Universal Brotherhood, not only humanity, but all animals, even plants and minerals. We have a particular cell from which all the formative powers, strength and life go out. By treating a dog kindly, his mental growth quickens. A master said: “The heart of our Brotherhood is the unselfish service of mankind.” That should be the aim of every member of the TOS & should be an active force with which every member takes up some duty of a beneficent kind. I had a discussion with a group for and against vivisection and finally it was convinced for not torturing animals. Let us not fear to go among the lowest; for the purer the person, the more can he move in perfect.
Rama, the perfect king, was approached by a woman , he accepted the gift she offered and ate the fruit she had bitten into. And the Christ, when giving back health to the diseased, told them to “sin no more”, to live the perfect life, the seed of which is in everyone and everything. There is only one Divine Life, and all life is part of Him. “Shall there be evil in a city, the Lord hath done it.” “If I go up into Heaven, Thou art there, if I go down into Hell, Thou art there also.”Reverence the Divine Life in everything; recognize that good and evil are experiences. The more experiences we have, the better we evolve. A “mistake” as Mr. Ford once said, is but what adds to our knowledge. We should be with right or wrong by the person who does it; thus we shall know whether it was done willfully or as a mistake. As imperfect beings, we cannot do perfect work, but we can realise that gaining an experience is the only way to progress. Consider a discovery such as that of Galvani, the great investigator, who found the action of Galvanism through his observation of the moving frogs’ leg hung on his balcony. Let his friends call him the “Frogs’ dancing master”; he knew he had discovered a hitherto unknown law in nature. Thus our knowledge is ever increased. The Galvanometer, when put on the head of a person thinking hard, answers by swinging. By looking into the unknown we progress. If we take Theosophical thought as the key in our studies, we realize that God exists everywhere, that He who is Supreme Goodness, is also Supreme Law. Our understanding increases with our learning:”Give me understanding and I shall keep your Law, yeh, I shall keep it with my whole heart.” Reincarnation is the key to the world. The more we study Theosophy the more will the puzzles of the world become clear. In the TOS you have the key to an orderly life. Choose your activity carefully. In the morning make a plan of your day’s work; use your thought power beneficially; make the habit (till it comes naturally) of snatching every opportunity to help and you will find thousands of things come in your way. Do not get discouraged if your progress is but slow. I used to have a hasty temper, it took me years to get over it. I was helped by a lesson I got. I once saw a cartman striking the horse on the nose; I spoke to him heatedly and got a bad reply. Then I puzzled out that he was irritable only as I had been!
I realized that in order to be truly useful, we must not stoop down, but must place ourselves beside those we want to help. Try to bring into your Lodges people with whom you utterly disagree, and try to grasp their line of thought. The Law of Love, the only great law, will help you to understand the others; your knowledge will help you to bring the ignorant out of their ignorance and so to grow more quickly in evolution.